Josh & Joe’s top 5 interview tips

We all know that job interviews can be tricky. Therefore, we have put together a list of the top 5 things we try to do in every interview! Here are Josh & Joe’s top 5 interview tips.

1. Smile!

Josh: I always try to smile as much as possible during the interview, especially when first meeting the interviewer. This may sound very simple, but this can go a long way in building rapport with interviewers. Smiling makes you look calm and relaxed, even if you are terrified! This helps you come across confident and approachable, two traits that are important for any job.

2. Eye contact!

Joe: If you’ve ever had a conversation with someone who doesn’t make eye contact with you, then you’ll know just how awkward and uncomfortable it can be. Even the most qualified candidate can look shy and nervous by not making eye contact. This will make the employer feel awkward, limiting the candidates chances of success.

3. Know the company!

Josh: There is little chance that an employer will hire you if you can’t tell them anything about their company, or give a convincing answer as to why you want to work there. I’m not saying you have to deeply research the company knowing the entire history of their share prices. Just make sure you look up a few things that have made the company successful, and make sure you know what they stand for. A good place to start for this information is on the company’s about page.

4. Look the part!

Joe: If you look the part, you will be hugely boosting your chances of success in your interview. IMPORTANT: looking the part does not necessarily mean wearing a suit/ very formal attire. Make sure you pay attention to the dress code, you will usually be told this when being invited to your interview, if not, ask! Of course some companies will expect you to wear a suit to their interview, but in many creative companies, a suit will put you on the back foot – as they can resemble rigidness and seriousness, traits not idolised in creative industries. That being said, if your interview says ‘wear anything’ don’t turn up in your trackie bottoms!

5. Practice

Josh: Practicing for potential questions can help you to try and find answers to difficult questions well in advance. This is important as it will help to prevent you from being stumped mid-interview. get your mum to run through some difficult questions so you can practice some answers! This is something that most candidates won’t do, and it could give you the edge. Interviewers will be impressed by you providing thoughtful answers to difficult questions.
Good luck!